News & Press
Jason Erlich In the News
Social worker sues county for Unpaid Overtime Wages – Palo Alto Daily Post
Stockton woman says she was fired for reporting sexual harassment – KXTV Channel 10, Sacramento

A Stockton woman who was fired for complaining about a dentist and a hostile work environment full of sexual harassment filed a lawsuit claiming sexual harassment, retaliation and wrongful termination. Read more
More male caregivers, more discrimination at work – CNN Money
“The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has reported a rise in employment discrimination claims made by both female and male caregivers of children, the disabled, and the elderly…
Michael Villalobos, 38, has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture, claiming that he was fired in July 2010 form his job maintaining campground areas because of his requests to take family leave to care for his sick daughter…” Read more
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When employees' legal rights are violated, we take time to explain their legal options, listen to their goals, and aggressively argue their case until we achieve the resolution they deserve.