Former Citrus Heights Police Department worker sues for age discrimination
Workplace discrimination can sometimes occur when an employee least expects it, after many years of working in the same place, for instance. In such circumstances, being fired based on an unlawful reason can be especially distressing.
Sandy Richards, 57, had worked as a support services manager at Citrus Heights Police Department since 2006. She filed an age discrimination lawsuit against her employer in Sacramento federal court, alleging she was fired from her job based on made-up reasons after she refused to retire.
In 2018, Chief Ron Lawrence kept discussing retirement with Richards even though she said she had no plans of retiring anytime soon. According to the lawsuit, he started “a campaign of harassment and hostility toward her” and made up “bogus workplace violations to force her out.”
Richards was put on administrative leave in 2019 and escorted out of police headquarters without any reason. The police department allegedly launched a baseless internal affairs investigation and identified examples of misconduct that Richards claimed were actually a pretext for age discrimination. She was ultimately fired.
Richards told The Sacramento Bee she enjoyed her work and “was doing a good job.” Being forced to leave a job she loved left her “devastated.” Richards filed the age discrimination lawsuit in the hopes of preventing other employees from being treated the way she was.
If you suspect you suffered age discrimination in the workplace, get in touch with Erlich Law Firm right away for a free consultation. An employment law attorney will help you understand your legal options.
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