San Ramon Age Discrimination Attorney
Age Discrimination Lawyer Serving San Ramon, Dublin, and Danville Workers
Fighting for the rights of workers who face age discrimination on the job.
Employees of all ages should be treated fairly in the workplace. Unfortunately, some employers fall into the trap of age-related stereotypes and subject older workers to unfavorable treatment. Discriminating against employees based on their age is not just wrong; it can be unlawful.
Federal and California labor laws provide workers age 40 or older important protections from age discrimination. Age is a protected characteristic alongside sex, national origin, race, and disability. If you have suffered age discrimination at work, contact Erlich Law Firm. Our experienced San Ramon age discrimination attorneys are dedicated to helping workers obtain compensation and end their employer’s discriminatory conduct.
Age Discrimination is Unlawful
Some companies rightfully value the experience that older workers bring to the workplace. Other employers, however, favor younger workers. They subject more senior employees to adverse treatment based on inaccurate assumptions about age and ability. According to the AARP, around 21 percent of adults aged 50 and over in the U.S. workforce claim to have experienced age discrimination after turning 40.
Age discrimination is illegal under federal and California law. Employers are prohibited from refusing to hire, demoting, firing, mistreating, or taking other adverse employment actions against older workers based on age.
The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) bar employers from engaging in age discrimination against employees who are 40 years of age or older. The ADEA applies to workplaces with 20 or more workers, while the FEHA applies to employers with five or more employees. The laws also apply to job seekers.
Common Types of Age Discrimination
San Ramon has employers, both large and small. The city, located in Contra Costa County, is home to the corporate headquarters of Chevron, Accela, and 24-Hour Fitness. Additionally, companies like Robert Half International, Nestle, Toyota, IBM, and Coca-Cola also have divisions in San Ramon.
Employees of these and other employers may experience age discrimination in many different forms. Identifying age discrimination can be challenging. Sometimes discrimination is overt, while in other situations, it may occur in subtler ways.
Age discrimination is unlawful across all aspects of employment, including hiring, compensation, advancement opportunities, personnel decisions, and firing. Age-related biases can also affect the day-to-day work environment in negative ways. Some examples of how age discrimination may take place against workers and job seekers in San Ramon workplaces include:
- Forcing older workers to quit their jobs
- Wrongfully terminating older employees
- Laying off only older workers
- Subjecting older employees to pay cuts
- Asking a job seeker’s age during a job interview
- Including age limitations on job postings
- Refusing to employ workers of a certain age
- Creating a hostile work environment with agist jokes and comments
- Promoting younger, inexperienced employees over older workers
- Preventing older employees from receiving the same training as younger coworkers
Pursuing Compensation for Age Discrimination
A 2019 study found that 26 percent of workers feared losing their current job because of their age, while 44 percent of employees said they or someone they knew was subjected to age discrimination. You do not have to tolerate discriminatory treatment when an employer uses your age against you. Filing an age discrimination claim allows San Ramon workers to obtain compensation for the unlawful treatment they have experienced.
With the help of a skilled San Ramon age discrimination attorney, you can get your employer to change their unlawful practices. You can also recover damages for lost income and benefits, among other losses.
At Erlich Law Firm, we recognize that age discrimination harms many workers. Employees are often afraid to speak up about discriminatory treatment due to fear of retaliation. Additionally, employers may try to mask age-based employment decisions as legitimate business considerations. They will try to show that age was not the motivating reason for negative performance reviews, layoffs, and other choices against older workers.
Erlich Law Firm is prepared to do everything we can to help San Ramon employees fight unlawful treatment in the workplace. We will help you gather the evidence needed to prove your claim.
If you suspect your employer has taken an adverse employment action against you based on age, you should discuss your situation with an employment lawyer. You have important rights under the ADEA and FEHA.
Call for a Free Case Evaluation
Contact Erlich Law Firm immediately if you have suffered age discrimination at work. Our San Ramon age discrimination attorneys are dedicated to using the law’s power to protect hardworking employees’ rights. We can help you understand your rights and explain your legal options for pursuing compensation. Get started today with a free consultation.
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